Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Played Out Storylines: Pacman the Model Citizen

Did you hear the news? Pacman Jones went to practice today and didn't get arrested? It's amazing! I heard about it on ESPN's NFL Live. They give me an update at the beginning of every show. It's great, ESPN really gets me. They know exactly what I want to hear every time. Like a couple weeks ago, I turned it on and they were talking about Pacman intercepting a pass. Then the other week, they were talking about how he didn't get in trouble that day, and all the analysts were so supportive! It's good to know you have good people around you, you know? People who genuinely care for your well-being.

Give me a break. I know the offseason gets slow, but I can't think of anything being blown out of proportion more than the Pacman "Please don't call me Pacman anymore" Jones situation in Dallas. How many worthless stories have come from this? NFL Live spent most of its first segment one show discussing how Pacman was going to wear #21 instead of #32 and how his game could be compared to Deion's. I guess ESPN should shoulder more of this ridiculousness than Pacman, but it really falls under the same category. ESPN talks more about the Cowboys than anyone else so it's biased to begin with, but I swear they are trying to make Pacman into a new person. All of a sudden, his legal troubles of the past have been forgotten and he's now on the path to being a model citizen. Hey, he's even got Deion Sanders and Michael Irvin as his new mentors. Is he learning new end zone dances and why not to use cocaine?

We're talking about a guy who was nothing but trouble in Tennessee. He was suspended for an entire season and is now on a probationary tryout to get reinstated by the commissioner. He hasn't been arrested recently and it's all the rage for the Dallas and national media to talk about. Move over TO, with your big new contract extension! Move over Tony Romo, and your "are they or aren't they together" relationship with Jessica Simpson! Marion Barber got a $50 million contract? Pssh. The Cowboys had two first-round picks? Roy Williams isn't happy? Who cares? Pacman's here, and he's not in jail!

I'm tired of it. Pacman (let's face it, no one is going to call you Adam), good luck this year. If you can get through this season with Terrell Owens, an unhappy Roy Williams, an impatient Jerry Jones, Jessica Simpson, her pink #9 jersey (ROMOOO!), and you all in the same vicinity without ripping the team apart, I will salute you. But until then, I don't want to hear about you until you're playing like a Pro Bowler on the field.

You can rehabilitate all you want, but it's been less than a year since those double-digit arrests. Moving three states away doesn't make you a different person, not even the media can change that. You need to show a lot more for the perception to shift.

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